Goal: Bike over 3,400 miles across the country from San Francisco, California to Long Beach Island, New Jersey


Start Date: June 9th flight from Philadelphia, PA to San Francisco, CA


End Date: Reach the East Coast by August 15th

CTCTen Organization

On our trip across the country we are going to be spreading the word about CTCTen and about the work that it is doing in conjunction with our school, F&M.

Please take a look at this foundation and see if you can help make a difference in the world... anything you can do is much appreciated...


The CTCTen Foundation in conjunction with the Franklin & Marshall Men’s Soccer Team has begun a unique project to help effect change in the world. Partnering with the GrassRoot Soccer organization,the foundation has targeted a specific disadvantaged, HIV/AIDS impacted region to help.

The Soccer Africa Field Project aspires to create the Chris Campbell Memorial Facility in Khayelitsha, South Africa. The field would be a haven for impoverished children that will also have a clubhouse which will be used for HIV/AIDS education classes. An annual internship will be created for an F&M soccer student athlete to spend a year in Khayelistha teaching soccer and encouraging HIV/AIDS preventive behaviors at the facility.

The CTC Ten Foundation, in conjunction with the F&M Team, families and alumni and are doing all they can to make the athletic and educational facility and internship a reality. It is through the generous support of everyone in the community that this vision will become a reality.

CTCTen.org » Mission

Friday, July 25, 2008


Here's the whereabouts of the Riders:
July 20 :  They crossed into Illinois.  They found a short cut that cut off 80 miles.

July 21:  Kentucky!!

July 24:  Berea, Kentucky

1 comment:

G said...

YOooooo dudes!

I'm up in NH just finished the GRS orientation...gonna be a sick trip! soo excited, got a bunch of new KIIIIIILLLOOOO's haha we did some kiilo remixes...and the people are awesome...anyways POST SOOON! hope you guys are doing well...kara stop sleeping on picnic tables and where has macgyver been? i miss him...oh yea and dudes apparently we didnt return the comcast console jawnt and they want it back...so at some pt we gotta do that jazzz well that's it zip it innn and zippp it out!